Change Agent: Jordan Harline

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The selected change agent for session #4 is none other then the beautiful and talented Jordan Harline. Jordan has been with us for session #3 and #4, and through it all she has been operating at 100%. As a registered nurse in Colorado, Jordan has developed great people skills. These skills have shown in all that she has done in India, not only during the familiarity of the medical rotation. The patients and children have fallen in love with Jordan, and it’s safe to say she has fallen in love with them as well, as is evident in her own words:

It's hard to put into words all that I have learned from my experiences in India. The people I have met and the things I have seen have left a huge impression on my heart and I couldn't be more grateful for all that I have learned in these few short weeks. As I spent time in the colonies and with the children I was reminded over and over again of a quote I had heard by an unknown author; "Someone else is happy with less than what you have." I came to India expecting to be serving a suffering people. I thought that my service would be life changing for them and that it would bring a smile to their faces that they hadn't had since the last volunteer came along. I thought I would be a light in the darkness that they so desperately needed. What I realized that first day is that we do bring a smile to their face and they are incredibly grateful for our service. But what I didn't realize is that with or without me they would still be smiling and be grateful for what they have. Despite their circumstances, these people are happy. I think of all the dumb things that I have complained about in my life. Stresses and trials that make us see all the bad things we've got going on make us depressed and frustrated. Coming to India has helped to re-open my eyes to a better way of living. I always have heard that happiness is an attitude and a choice, and the people of India are the perfect example of that. While they may be suffering from the effects of leprosy or living in little huts with little food to feed their family, they are happy to be alive and to serve and help others. They laugh, they sing, they dance, they serve, and they praise God. They are grateful even in the most difficult of circumstances.

The people of India will always hold a special place in my heart. The majority of that place is occupied by the beautiful children I have come to know at the school on campus. These children are so special and have taught me more about love and acceptance than I could have imagined. No matter who you are or where you come from or what you say or do they LOVE you. They pass no judgment; only hugs and kisses.

The lessons I have learned from India are ones that I don't think I could have learned any other way. I am so grateful that I have had this opportunity to meet and love these people. I hope to bring home with me a continued burning desire to serve and love the people I come in contact with everyday. Because serving and having an attitude of gratitude is what brings true happiness in life.   --Jordan Harline
"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”                         --Buddha

Thanks for all you have given Jordan! We will miss you!

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