The Next Generation has the Spirit of Giving

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rial is a special Agent of Change that is leading a generation!  His mother had this to say about his recent Birthday Wish:

"Rial wanted to follow his sister’s example and donate his birthday gifts to children at Rising Star Outreach. He asked his friends if they would be willing to help contribute funds to the UKG children at Rising Star Outreach instead of bringing him a birthday gift.  These children are the closest in age to Rial and his friends, so a donation was made to enable them to purchase school supplies such as paper, pencils, and stickers.  This generous contribution was made possible by the kindness of his friends, who were eager to help other children in need.  Rial was grateful for this opportunity to help friends at Rising Star Outreach, and to be thinking of others on his birthday."

Thank you Rial for your thoughtfulness of others and for you sharing Rising Star Outreach and it's mission with your friends.  You are a true Rising Star Outreach Agent of Change!

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